foundation of Indonesia's claim to rule in West Papua is based on fraud
and lies", Powes Parkop, Governor of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. "We
will not be silent any more"
"The Melanesians of West Papua as a State and a People have never freely exercised their right to self-determination according to international law, according to the Charter of the United Nations and Specific Resolutions of the General Asse...
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"The Melanesians of West Papua as a State and a People have never freely exercised their right to self-determination according to international law, according to the Charter of the United Nations and Specific Resolutions of the General Asse...
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Indonesia klaim untuk memerintah di Papua Barat didasarkan pada
penipuan dan terletak", Powes Parkop, Gubernur Port Moresby, Papua
Nugini. "Kami tidak akan diam lagi" http://www.abc.net.au/news/ 2013-12-01/ governor-defies-png-request-and -raises-west-papua-flag/ 5127624
"orang Melanesia Papua Barat sebagai sebuah negara dan orang-orang
telah pernah bebas dilaksanakan hak mereka untuk menentukan nasib
sendiri sesuai dengan hukum internasional, sesuai dengan Piagam PBB dan
spesifik resolusi Majelis Umum pada dekolonisasi, termasuk resolusi 1514
dan 1541 Deklarasi pemberian kemerdekaan kepada negara kolonial dan
masyarakat" http://freewestpapua.org/ documents/ reinscription-of-west-papua-as- a-colonised-state-and-people-p owes-parkop/
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